Subject: BFL: V1.0 BBS Football League... Author: Midas Touch Software Uploaded By: STYXTER Date: 4/28/1996 File: BFL100.ZIP (395757 bytes) Estimated Download Time (25094 baud): < 4 minutes Download Count: 869 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, BBS Software Keywords: Midas, Touch, Software, Door, Game, Offense, Defense, Playoff, Championship Type: Shareware Uploaded by Author This online game provides the SysOp with the ability to run their own online Football League. A season of Football is completed in 22 days, and includes 3 preseason games, 16 regular, 2 playoff games, and a BFL Championship. The game is played on an ANSI Football field, and players respond on the field to one of 80 offense or 18 defense plays. BFL will run on a Mutlinode BBS with up to 500 nodes. Netware, Desqview, and Windows are all supported. Documentation: README.1ST, INSTALL.DOC, SYSOP.DOC